Buy this app! Wow, what a lifesaver this has been for me - I am extremely pleased with it. I am a mom with four children and we are all sick at once right now. I found this after a short search and got it because I felt that it was definitely worth trying out for such a reasonable price. It was easy and FAST to input all my children, and immediately start keeping track of the fevers and meds I was handing out, which came in handy at 10 p.m. when I was exhausted and mentally confused and couldnt remember if my four-year-old had been given a fever reducer a few hours earlier with the older ones. As you can see, Im not affliated with the developers (sometimes people are suspicious of glowing reviews), Im just a regular person who was really happy to get such a great help in this app. I was also pleased when reading other reviews to see that the developers are really responsive to suggestions. It made me feel that the few suggestions I have will probably be considered and listened to. But even if not, this app functions wonderfully as is. I think the tiny icons on the calendar are easy to distinguish and see at a glance and it is very easy to switch over to the summary view for details and scroll between people. Just wonderful design and function. Thank you Winkpass!
Serendipme about iHealthTrax (formerly Illness Tracker)